Promoting Highest Ethical and Scientific
Standards for Health Research in Nigeria

Call us directly: 234-9-523-8367

Training Program

Training Program

These are the training programs currently approved by the NHREC, other programs that satisfy the Committee’s requirements in terms of content and evaluation methods will be listed as they become available. Providers of online training in informed consent and other aspects of bioethics may wish to contact the NHREC at so that their programs can be evaluated and if found satisfactory, listed on this page

  • CITI Program
    Free Online Bioethics Training Program!
    It is a free online bioethics training program. New free online Biosafety/Biosecurity course now available. The CITI program is a subscription service which WAB has collaborated with to provide research ethics education to all members of the research community. Click on the first and second link below to know what courses to register for and the third and fourth links respectively to know how to register and complete the courses.

    Guidance on the training needed for research studies in Nigeria
    A slideshow: Guidance of ethical conduct of research in Nigeria
    How to complete the CITI-IRB training program
    Click here to go to the CITI program

  • West African Bioethics training Program

    West African Bioethics Training Program supported MSc, MPhil/PhD
    program in Bioethics at the University of Ibadan

    • West African Bioethics Training Program launches its postgraduate degree programs in Bioethics at the University of Ibadan
    • WAB aims to take advantage of the rich cultural and colonial heritage of West Africa to develop robust research, training and service programs in Bioethics in West Africa.
    • This postgraduate program aims to build capacity for the ethical review of health research and to strengthen the capacity of the Ethics Committees in institutions throughout West Africa.
    • Furthermore, this program aims to produce bioethics experts who can contribute to the global bioethics discourse from a West African perspective
    • The degree program is designed to run in modules so that each course can also be taken as a standalone short course by those interested.

    Please visit  West African Bioethics Postgraduate training program  for more information.

  • Training And Resources in Research Ethics Evaluation (TRREE)